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Student Council


1.  Students’ Council: - There shall be a students’council in the college with the Principal as the patron. It shall comprise of:

a)     President     -   1

b)     Secretary     -   1

c)      Councilmembers - Two Representatives from each department in the college. B.A. (Programme)and B.Com (Pass) shall be treated as two separate departments for the purposeof sending two representatives in the council.


2.     Presidentand Secretary: - The President and the Secretary shall be directly elected bythe students of the college, who, on the date of the notification of theelection process, shall be on the college rolls or as decided by the college.The election shall be conducted through secret ballot on the plurality Principleand majority of valid votes cast would be the basis of the elections.


3.     Eligibilityfor President and Secretary: - The eligibility for contesting for thepost of the President and the Secretary shall be as following:                                                                                       

A: 75% attendance in the last academicsession attended.

B: 55% marks in the last examination passed

C: Good conduct in the college as per collegerecords

D: No Essential Repeat in the previous University examination (NoBacklog of Papers)

E: Only 2nd and 3rd year students areeligible

4.     Othermembers in the Students’ Council: - Two representatives from each departmentin the college shall be sent to the council- (A) One representative shall beselected from each department on the basis of last university examination passed.Hence, first year students would not be eligible for representation in thiscategory.  From the Second and the ThirdYear students of the department, whoever has the highest percentage of marks,based on the last university examination passed (inclusive of both semesters),without any paper backlog like essential repeat, etc., shall be eligible forthe nomination to the council as representative of the department. In case of atie, the ‘Date of Birth’ shall act as the ‘tie breaker’-senior one gettingselected. In case the date of birth fails to break the tie, the toss of coinshall be used. (B)  The secondrepresentatives from each department to the council shall be elected by thestudents of the concerned department. The Electoral College shall comprise of allthe students of the department, i.e.,  the first year, the second year and  the third year students. All the students who would be on the collegerolls on the date of the election shall participate in the election process toelect department’s representative in the council. The first year students shallalso be eligible to contest the election. The eligibility for contesting theelection would also include no backlog of any paper (E.R.) in the Universityexaminations. The method of election within the department to elect therepresentative will be decided by the proctor and the dean academics inconsultation with the patron of the council (Principal), or the Principal mayask the departments to evolve the method/procedure of election and communicatethe result to the office. In the situation of a tie, the ‘Date of Birth’ shallbe used as tie breaker – senior one getting elected. If the date of birth failsto break the tie, in that case toss of coin shall be used to break the tie. This provision of electing 1 representativefrom each department shall be subject to certain criteria listed in Annexure -1,which includes special provision to ensure adequate representation of girls’students in the council. (See annexure 1 for the scheme of reservation of seatsfor the girls).




That the Central Councillors to DUSU shall bemembers of the Students’ Council and shall have voting rights at par with othermembers. This provision will apply till the Students’ Council remainsaffiliated to DUSU.


That any member of the Students’ Council willcease to be member, if he/she remains absent for two consecutive meetings ofthe Students’ Council without the prior information to the Dean, Students’Council and the Dean’s approval.



5.     Eligibility criteriafor the elected representatives from the departments to the

Council: -

(A)  58% marks in the lastexamination passed (for first year students it shall be 60%)

(B) 80% attendance in the last academic session (For the first-yearstudents’ attendance of July & august shall be considered or theendorsement/certification by the department of his/her regularity.

 (C) Good conduct in thecollege and active participation in the departmental activities.

Representationin the students’ council on the basis of ‘co-curricular and extra-curricular activities:

One representative from the following societies shall beelected/nominated in the council for the academic session.

  a)  Artand Culture society

   b) NSS

    c) Sports

    d) NCC

These elected/ nominated members shall have equal status in termsof voting rights, etc. as that of the representatives of the variousdepartments.

Composition of the Students’ Council at a glance: -

      (A) - President -1

      (B) - Secretary -1

      (C) - Two representativesfrom each department in the college – 26

i)          BusinessEconomics  - 2

ii)        B.A.(Prog.)                     - 2

iii)       B. Com (Hons)           - 2

iv)        B. Com (Pass)             - 2

v)         Computer Science       - 2

vi)        Economics                    - 2

Vii)       English                          - 2

viii)     Hindi                              - 2

ix)        History                          - 2

x)         Mathematics                - 2

xi)        Politicalscience          - 2

xii)       Psychology                   - 2 

Xiii)   BMS                               -2

                                                = 26

D) Elected/nominated members for co-curricular andextra-curricular activities – 4

Total membership of the Council, including the President and the Secretary         - 32

6.      Functions of the Council: - The student’scouncil shall coordinate with the college in all the co-curricular and extra-curricularactivities in the college, including organizing activities like college fest(Academic and Cultural), Debate, Blood donation camp, Cultural and musicalactivities or, any other activity decided by the college from time to time andassigned to the council.  All decisionsin these matters shall be decided by the majority votes in the council. In a situationof a ‘tie’, the President shall have the casting vote. But he shall not vote inthe first instance.


7.      Budget: - Thecouncil shall prepare its annual budget. It shall judiciously allocate fund to thedifferent activities under taken by the Council. For this purpose, the Councilshall also prepare a calendar of its activities. All these – budget andcalendar of events – shall be decided in consultation with the Proctor and the Dean(Academics) and approved by the Principal as the Patron of the council.  All the decisions of the Council in thesematters shall be subject to the Patron’s approval.


8.      Selection of other functionaries by the Council: - The Councilshall elect among themselves (A) Student Convener of the Art and Culture Society(B) Student Convener of the debating society (C) Magazine Editor D) Student ConvenerNSS E) Student Convener, NCC  

ThePresident and the Secretary shall not accept any of the above mentioned responsibilities.

9. In case the council is of the opinion thatin any academic session, specialised skill (like Debate, Magazine editing,etc.) has not got adequate representation, it may request the Principal(Patron),with prior approval of the Proctor and the Dean, to co-opt few members to the Council.But the number of such co-opted members by the Principal shall never be morethan 2 in any academic session.

10   Proceedings of the Council - The proceedingsin the council shall be presided over by the President, who shall act as the presidentin the council. In case the President is not available the Dean/Proctor shallnominate the chair.


11.  Removal: - thecouncil shall have the power to remove any member, including the president andthe secretary, with two third (2/3rd) majority of total members of thecouncil. The removal process shall be initiated by giving a notice of thisintent, signed by 50% members, to the Patron (Principal) and duly signed by theProctor and the Dean. A two-week notice shall be required for the due processof the removal to begin.  In case the Presidentand the Secretary are removed through the due process, that is notice of twoweeks and the voting in the presence of the Proctor and the Dean, the councilshall elect the replacement for the remaining period of the terms and nogeneral election shall take place for this purpose.  The process of the removal of all the other members,including the nominated and the co-opted ones, shall be the same as that of thePresident and the Secretary. The voting method in the Council (secret ballot orthe head count) shall be decided by the Dean and the Proctor.


12.  Resignation: Any member,including the president and the secretary, may resign by writing to the Patronof the Council that is the Principal of the college, through the Proctor andthe Dean. In the event of the resignation of the President and the Secretary,there shall be no general election in the college. The Council shall elect thereplacement from its members for the remaining period of the term.


13.  Termination of membership: - The term ofany member of the council shall come to end if he or she comes underdisciplinary proceedings of the college.


14.  Girl’s representation in the Council: - In orderto promote girls’ participation in the corporate life of the college every yearat least three girls’ representatives shall be elected from the electivecomponent of various departments as per the annexure-1 of this act. Forensuring this, a system of rotation shall be followed to reserveseats/departments each year.  Annexure 1lays down in details the process of this election. The process shall be basedon the criteria of ‘Alphabet’ based rotation of departments for selecting thedepartment for reserving the seats for the girls. Beginning with ‘A’ and endingwith ‘Z’, each year three departments shall be reserved only for girls’students to contest for the membership of the Council. The coming year, thenext three departments following the alphabetical order, shall have similarreservation of seats. Once the full cycle is completed from ‘A’ to ‘Z’ againthe process will start with alphabet ‘A’ or whatever matches with the collegedepartment’s name. The Principal shall notify the names of the reserveddepartments for girls ‘students at the commencement of the electoral process.


15. Debate/ Address by the contestant before theElections-

The Proctor and the Dean, in consultation with Patron of theCouncil, will organize a debate/ address by the contestants in the Collegepremises for the benefit of students’.


16.  Oath – Once the election,nomination and co-option process are completed, the Principal shall notify theconstitution of the ‘Students Council’ of the college for the academic year.The President, the Secretary including the members of the Council shall beadministered oath by the Patron of the Council (Principal), or he may nominate theDean/Proctor for this purpose. After the oath, the Council shall startfunctioning as duly constituted.


17.  The meetingof the Council should be held at least once in a semester to discuss variousacademic and cultural events of the college.


18.  Convening of the Students’ Council – Thepresident of the Council shall convene the council from time to time by writingto the Principal, through the Dean and the Proctor and seeking his permission.The Secretary shall notify the date, time and the agenda of the meeting afterthe approval of the Principal is granted.


19.  Convening of the Council by the members - The membersmay also ask for the meeting of the Council by writing to the Principal, with50% members signing the requisition letter. The minimum period required forrequesting the Principal to convene the meeting shall be 14 days and thePrincipal shall convene in maximum period of 21 days.


20.  Advisory Council - Thereshall be a ‘Advisory Council’ of teachers to supervise the ‘students Council’.It shall comprise of two teachers’ representatives appointed by the staff counciland they will be called a) The Dean Students b) The Proctor.

The Proctor shall look after the disciplinary matters arising outof the functioning of the Council. ‘The Dean Students’ shall be supervisingcurricular and extra-curricular matters of the Council. Both the Proctor andthe Dean shall closely supervise and help the Council to discharge itsresponsibility. All the communications from the Council to the Principal shallbe routed through the Dean and the Proctor. Till the time, the Staff Council ofthe college does not appoint the Proctor and the Dean and the necessary changesare not made, the Principal may ask the Students’ Advisory Committee of theStaff Council to discharge this responsibility.

21.  Academic Advisor to the Departments – Everydepartment shall have an academic advisor to look after the subject specificsociety.  The Teacher-in-charge of theforthcoming year shall be ex officio academic advisor of the department. TheDean and the Proctor may from time to time, as and when required, consult theacademic advisors of the different departments for the smooth functioning ofthe Council.


22.  Notwithstanding,the above mentioned provisions for the formation of Students’ Council, if asituation arises where it is not possible to put in place the Students’ Councilfor the academic year, the Principal as the Patron, in consultation withAdvisory Council (Academic Advisors to various Departments and Societies) andthe Proctor and the Dean will nominate members to the Council and put theCouncil in place. 



                                                                       ANNEXURE- I

Reservation of seats for girls to elect 3representatives from various departments in the student council. Roaster isbased on the departments/Subjects:



B. Com (H)












B.A (P)

B. Com (P)



Business Economics

B. Com (H)



From 2027-28, cycle will get repeated. If newdepartment comes any time from now, it will figure in the cycle of 2027-28 orlater.

S.No. Title Link
3 NOTIFICATION- Grievance Redressal Cell (2024-25)
4 Final Nomination List - Students Council 2024-25
5 Nomination List - Students Council 2024-25
6 Notification - Prevention of Defacement of Property
7 Code of Conduct 2024-25
8 Zero Tolerance for defacing
17 CODE OF CONDUCT (For the candidates contesting DUSU and College Students’ Union Elections 2023-2024)
18 Final list of nominated candidates with Ballot Number after withdrawal of nomination for Students' Council & DUSU Central Council Election :2019-20
19 Important Notices for Students' Council and DUSU Central Council Election 2019-20
20 Corrigendum Students' Council and DUSU Central Council Election 2019-20
21 After scrutiny the list of duly nominated candidates for Student's Council and DUSU Central Council Election 2019-20
22 Redress grievances related to the student's council Election 2019-20
23 Notification regarding appointment of Returning Officer for election for 2019-2020
24 Amendment of Students' Council
26 NGT Order
27 Schedule & Eligibility for the post of President and Secretary of the College Students’ Council 2019-20
28 Schedule & Eligibility for Central Councillor(CC1 &CC2) of the College Students’ Council/DUSU 2019-20
29 Schedule & Eligibility for Council Members of the College Students’ Council (CR) 2019-20
30 Prevention of Defacement of Property Act
31 Notification for Change of Name
32 Notice for Change of Name
33 High-Court-Judgement-on-Name-Change
34 High Court Order WPC 7824 of 2017 titled Prashant Manchanda VS UOI & Ors
35 Code of Conduct 2019
36 DUSU Constitution
37 Lyngdoh Committee Recommendations

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