Use of Indian knowledge in developing Interventionsand Innovations for Contemporary World.
13thand 14th DECEMBER’22
Indian rich culturalheritage coupled with strong philosophical foundations provides a uniqueworldview that has a lot to offer and teach the global community about criticalinterventions required in the contemporary world. As we celebrate 75 years ofindependence, we also celebrate impact of our ancient and unique knowledgesystems on the world. The heritage, greatness, wealth and experience of Indiais incomparable to any nation in the world. In order to reassert our status asVishwa Guru, it becomes imperative for us to formulate ways of creatinginnovations and interventions based on our rich historical, cultural andphilosophical knowledge systems. It is the right time to integrate theory,research, and practice to articulate our understanding and its gaps in aholistic manner. Building a revolutionary vision through our ancient knowledge,this seminar intends to bring together academicians, researchers, practitionersand policy makers from various disciplines to deliberate upon use of our Indianbeliefs, values and systems in dealing with relevant issues concerningindividuals, community, society, health, culture, and education. Seminar willalso highlight the development and impact in the areas of Language, Literature,art, medicine, psychology, sustainability, innovation, policy, governance andleadership.
Subthemes for the Seminar – willfocus on innovative influence of Indian values, beliefs and knowledge in thefollowing areas
· Holistic medicine and wellness (Ayurveda,yoga, Indian psychology etc.)
· Policy, Governance and Leadership (NEP,Vasudev Kutumbakam, Chanakya arthshastra, Dharma etc.)
· Indian Languages, Literature and Art (Sanskrit,Pali, music, folklores, theatre, gender etc.)
· Growth, Innovation and sustainability (Biodiversityand ecological protection, sustainable practices etc.)
Convenor:Dr. Priti Jagwani, Department of Computer Science, Aryabhatta College
Co-Convenor:Dr. Krishna Murari, Department of History, Aryabhatta College
Ms Varsha Singh, Department ofPsychology, Aryabhatta College