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S.No. Title Link
1 Important Notice for students appearing OBE held in March-2022
2 Date sheet for First Year Open Book Exam (OBE) - Mock Test
3 Guidelines/Policies related with Open Book Examinations (OBE) for students of Divyaang (PwBD) category for academic session 2021-22 in view of the COVID-19.
4 Extension of date of filling up examination form upto 18.03.2022
5 Fwd: Guidelines/Policies related with Open Book Examinations (OBE) for students of Divyaang (PwBD) category for academic session 2021-22 in view of the COVID-19.
6 Guidelines for Open Book Examinations (OBE) - Semester Examinations March/April- 2022 using OBE Portal for Regular and Second Phase Examination for left over students of III and V Semester for all Programs of all streams.
7 Filling up examination from for the Regular student 1st semester for the academic session 2021-2022
8 Letter dated 7.1.2022 regarding conduct of second phase examinations for leftover students III & V semester who could not write examinations held in Nov-Dec,2021.
9 Notification dated 7.1.2022 regarding conduct of second phase examinations for leftover students III & V semester who could not write examinations held in Nov-Dec,2021.
10 g Conduct of Second Phase Examinations and filling up of Examination Form for Leftover Students of III/V/VII Semester of all Under Graduate (UG) and Post Graduate (PG) Programs including School of Open Learning (SOL) who could not write examinations held in November/December 2021 due to Covid-19 Pandemic and other reasons
11 Important Notice for students for OBE
13 Notice regarding provisionally allowed examination Nov-Dec 2021-22
14 last date of submission of examination form 29.11.2021
15 Notice for Left over students who did not give exam in Nov-Dec 2020 & May-June 2021
16 last date of submission of examination form 23.11.2021
17 Guidelines related to OBE for students of Divyaang (PwBD) category for the academic session 2021-22.
18 Guidelines for conduct of Upcoming Semester Examinations (OBE) Nov/Dec 2021
19 Notification for filling-up examination form for upcoming examinations to be held in November/December, 2021
20 Nodal Officer for Semester Examinations : Nov-Dec, 2021
21 Notice for filling up the examination form for Semester II & IV regular students for the academic session 2019-20 & 2020-21.
22 Notice for conduct of examinations for I/III/V and Ex-students for the academic session 2021-22
23 Notice for conduct of Practical Examination, Internal Assessment(IA) for the academic session 2021-22.
24 Notice for leftover students - Examination June 2021.
25 Notice regarding Open Book Examinations (OBE) : June, 2021
26 Nodal Officer for Open Book Examinations : June, 2021
27 Corridendum for OBE Guidelines: June, 2021
28 Guidelines/policies related with the conduct of Open Book Examinations (OBE) remotely for final semester/term/year students for all UG programmes of all streams including NCWEB and SOL in view of the COVID-19 pandemic as one time measure for the academic session 2020-2021.
29 OBE March, 2021 Helpline Number
30 Notice regarding uploading OBE answer script
31 Steps by step guide for using the DU Portal for Open Book Examination(OBE)-March-2021
32 Guidelines for PwBD students for upcoming semester examinations held in March-2021
33 Corrigendum in Notification No. Exam.VII/2021/113 Dated 16/17th February, 2021
34 Guidelines for Open Book Examinations (OBE) - Semester Examinations March - 2021 using OBE Portal for I Semester (students admitted in 2020) for all Under Graduate (UG)
35 Notification regarding OBE 13/12/2020
36 Notification regarding duration of examination for the students in OBE Semester Examinations December 2020
37 Notice regarding uploading OBE answer script
38 Promotion Criteria for Semester students of Undergraduate and Post Graduate Courses in all streams including Non-Collegiate Women's Education Board (NCWEB) and School of Open Learning (SOL) as one time measures for the current academic session 2020-21 in view of Covid-19 pandemic
39 Filling up Examination form by the students for the Semester Examination III/V/VII (Under Graduate/Post Graduate/Professional Courses including NCWEB along with the Essential Repeaters, Improvement cases and Ex-Students) commencing from 12.12.2020
40 Instructions for Regular Students/Ex-Students/Essential Repeaters/Improvement Cases/NCWEB students for downloading the Admit Card for OBE Examination December-2020
41 Notification regarding Guidelines/Policies related with open Book Examinations (OBE) for students of Divyang (PWBD) category for Academic session 2020-21 in view of Covid-19
42 Nodal Officers in College for Open Book Examination-2020
43 Guidelines for Open Book Examinations (OBE) - Semester Examinations December - 2020 using OBE Portal for III/V/VII Semester, Essential Repeaters of I/III/V Semester, Improvement Cases and Ex-Students for all Under Graduate (UG) Programs of all streams including NCWEB & SOL.
44 Additional facility for downloading question papers for the students using the ICT facilities for appearing in remote mode for the second phase of Open Book Examination (OBE) to be conducted w.e.f. 14.09.2020
45 Clarification reagrding the queries related with the first phase of OBE examination as sought by the Principals of the Colleges
46 Advisory for Colleges/Departments reagrding COVID-19 for Physical Mode of Examination as per the datesheet/schedule notified by the Examination Branch, University of Delhi
47 Notification for Examination form (OBE- Second Phase)
48 Notification for submission of Examination form for the second phase of Open Book Examination (OBE)
49 Notice regarding obe
50 Additional facilities for students appearing in OBE mode remotely scheduled to be held from 10.08.2020
51 Notice dated 06.08.2020 regarding OBE Examination.
52 Urgent notice for OBE Registration
53 Important Notice for Second Phase MOCK TEST (OBE)
54 OBE Mock Test Date Sheet (Second Phase)
55 OBE Notification - Mock Test (Second Phase
56 First Phase- Mock Test (All UG and PG)
58 Notification dated 15.07.2020 regd. Open Book Examination (August-2020)
59 Notification of Postponement of Open Book Examination (OBE)
60 Notification regarding Redressal of queries related with the date sheets Open Book Examination (OBE) for Undergraduate Programmes
61 Downloading of Question papers and uploading of scanned images of answer sheets for the Open Book Examination (OBE)
62 Mock Test Date Sheet
63 Step by Step Guide to OBE Mock Test
64 Notification for postponement of OBE
65 Guidelines/policies - Open Book Examinations (OBE) - UG programmes
66 Guidelines/policies - Open Book Examinations (OBE) - UG programmes
67 Link for downloading Admit Card
68 Notice regarding Provision of study material/reference texts, assistive devices and facility of scribe for the visually impaired students of UG a PG courses appearing for the Open Book Examinations
69 Information related with the Common Services Centre (CSC) engaged by the University of Delhi during the Open Book Examination
70 Procedure for downloading the Admit Card for final year students of UG courses of regular colleges for the Open Book Examinations
71 Provision of study material/reference texts, assistive devices and facility of scribe for the visually impaired students of UG a PG courses appearing for the Open Book Examinations
72 General Guidelines regarding the Open Book Examinations of Aryabhatta College
73 Procedure for downloading the question paper of OBE
74 Guidelines for Open Book Examination of DU

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