S.No. |
1 |
Provisional list of eligible & not eligible candidates for the post of Library attendant
2 |
Provisional list of eligible & not eligible candidates for the post of Junior Assistant
3 |
Screening Notice- Commerce
4 |
Screening Notice- Economics
5 |
Interview for Guest faculty in BMS
6 |
Interview for Guest faculty in Psychology
7 |
Interview for Guest faculty in Economics
8 |
Link & Corrigendum for apply non-teaching post
9 |
Corrigendum- Extension of last date for teaching positions
10 |
Advertisement for the non-teaching
11 |
Corrigendum-Advertisement for permanent teaching positions
12 |
Advertisement for permanent teaching positions
13 |
Interview Schedule for the Post of Principal
14 |
List of shortlisted candidates for the post of Principal
15 |
Notification - Screening Status for the post of Principal, Aryabhatta College
16 |
Advertisement for the post of Principal
17 |
Result of Sports Coach
18 |
Walk in interview for Sports Coach
19 |
Interview for Guest faculty in physical education
20 |
Notice regarding eligible candidates for Admistrative Officer
21 |
Interview for Guest faculty in Environmental Science
22 |
Promotion to the post of Administrative Officer
23 |
Interview for Guest faculty in Economics
24 |
Interview for the post of Guest Faculty in English
25 |
Result of Junior Assistant
26 |
Corrigendum Interview for the post of Guest Faculty in Political Science
27 |
Corrigendum Interview for the post of Guest Faculty in Management Studies
28 |
Corrigendum Interview for the post of Guest Faculty in History
29 |
Vacancy for IKS Shikshan Prashikshan Kendram
30 |
Interview for the post of Guest Faculty in Management Studies
31 |
Interview for the post of Guest Faculty in Political Science
32 |
Interview for the post of Guest Faculty in History
33 |
Interview for the post of Guest Faculty in Business Economics
34 |
Result of Library attendant
35 |
Result of Assistant Professor in History
36 |
Result of ICSSR project interview
37 |
Corrigendum - Skill test for the post of Junior Assistant
38 |
List for Skill test for the post of Junior Assistant
39 |
Interview Schedule for the Post of Assistant Professor in the Department of History
40 |
Walk in interview for Sports Coach
41 |
Result of Assistant Professor in Commerce
42 |
43 |
Interview Schedule for the Post of Assistant Professor in the Department of Commerce
44 |
Result of Assistant Professor in Business Economics
45 |
Result of Assistant Professor in Management Studies
46 |
Result of Department of Environmental Science
47 |
Result of SPA
48 |
Notice regarding Library Attendant Exam
49 |
Interview Schedule for the Post of Assistant Professor in the Department of Business Economics
50 |
Final list of Library Attendant
51 |
Interview Schedule for the Post of Assistant Professor in the Department of Management Studies
52 |
Scheme of Junior Assistant
53 |
Notice regarding junior assistant Exam
54 |
Final list of candidates for the post of Junior Assistant
55 |
Provisional list of eligible & not eligible candidates for the post of Library Attendant
56 |
Interview Schedule for the Post of Assistant Professor in the Department of Environmental Science
57 |
Interview Schedule for the Post of Assistant Professor in the Department of Commerce is postponed
58 |
Interview Schedule for the Post of Assistant Professor in the Department of Commerce
59 |
Result of Assistant Professor in Hindi
60 |
Physical test and Interview for the of Director Physical Education
61 |
Provisional list of eligible & not eligible candidates for the post of Junior Assistant
62 |
Physical test and Interview for the of Director Physical Education postponed
63 |
Physical test and Interview for the of Director Physical Education
64 |
Interview Schedule for the Post of Assistant Professor in the Department of Hindi
65 |
Result of Assistant Professor in Computer Science
66 |
Result of Assistant Professor in English
67 |
Interview Schedule for the Post of Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science
68 |
Result of Assistant Professor in Mathematics
69 |
Interview Schedule for the Post of Assistant Professor in the Department of English
70 |
Interview Schedule for the Post of Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics
71 |
Result of Assistant Professor in Psychology
72 |
Interview Schedule for the Post of Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology
73 |
Screening status- Hindi
74 |
Screening status- BMS
75 |
Screening status- English
76 |
Corrigendum Screening status- Computer Science
77 |
Screening status- History
78 |
Corrigendum Screening status- Commerce
79 |
Screening status-EVS
80 |
Screening status-BBE
81 |
Screening status- Mathematics
82 |
Advertisement for Guest faculty in Economics
83 |
Screening status-Commerce
84 |
Notice regarding Typing Test of SPA & Instructor OMSP
85 |
Final list for the post of director in physical education
86 |
Screening status - Computer Science
87 |
Screening status - Psychology
88 |
Screening list for the post of director in physical education
89 |
Corrigendum-Advertisement for permanent teaching positions
90 |
Vacancy for ICSSR project staff
91 |
Interview for Guest Faculty in Management Studies
92 |
Advertisement for permanent teaching positions
93 |
Corrigendum- Interview for Guest faculty in English
94 |
Interview for Guest Faculty in Commerce
95 |
Interview for Guest Faculty in English
96 |
Interview for Guest Faculty in History
97 |
Interview for Guest Faculty in Political Science
98 |
Final list for the post of Senior Personal Assistant
99 |
Final list for the post of Instructor (OMSP)
100 |
Interview for Guest Faculty in Hindi
101 |
Exam Schedule for Non Teaching Recruitment- Senior Personal Assistant
102 |
Screening list for the post of Senior Personal Assistant
103 |
Screening list for the post of Instructor (OMSP)
104 |
Vacancy for Research Assistant (Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav)
105 |
Vacancy for ICSSR project staff
106 |
Vacancy for project staff
107 |
Link for apply non-teaching post
108 |
Advertisement for the non-teaching
109 |
Result of LDE for the post of Semi Professional Assistant
110 |
LDE for the post of Semi Professional Assistant (List of eligible candidates and schedule of examination)
111 |
Advertisement for the post of Assistant Professor in English on adhoc basis
112 |
Limited Departmental Examination for promotion to the post of Semi Professional Assistant
113 |
114 |
Advertisement for the posts of Assistant Professor in Computer Science.
115 |
Vacancy for project staff for minor project (4 months )
116 |
Advertisement for the post of Assistant Professor in Mathematics on adhoc basis.
117 |
Interview for guest faculty in english.
118 |
Advertisement for the post of Assistant Professor in English on adhoc basis.
119 |
Advertisement for the posts of Assistant Prof. in Psychology.
120 |
Advertisement for the post of MTS on contract basis.
121 |
Advertisement for the post of Assistant Prof. in English on adhoc basis.
122 |
Result of LDE for the post of Assistant
123 |
LDE for the post of Assistant (List of eligible candidates)
124 |
Limited Departmental Examination for the post of Assistant
125 |
Important Notification Reg. Application for the post of Assistant Professor BBE
126 |
Promotion of Teachers under Career Advancement Scheme (CAS) – 2018
127 |
Important Notification regarding screening status for the posts of Assistant Professor in Computer Science, Hindi and Mathematics.
128 |
Important Notification Reg. Application for the post of Assistant Professor History
129 |
Important Notification Reg. Application for the post of Assistant Professors in Commerce, Environmental Studies and Management Studies
130 |
Important Notification Reg. Application for the post of Assistant Professor Psychology
131 |
Corrigendum for the Advertisement for the posts of Assistant Professor
132 |
Online link for the post of Assistant Professor-2019
133 |
Advertisement for the post of Assistant Professor-2019
134 |
General instruction for applicants
135 |
Qualifications for appointment of Assistant Professors
136 |
Guidelines for Screening & Shortlisting candidates
137 |
Frequently asked questions
138 |
List of Eligible candidates for appearing LDE to the post of Junior Assistant
139 |
Result of of Walk-in Test for the post of MTS on contract basis
140 |
Notice for LDE for the post of Junior Assistant
141 |
Advertisement for the post of Assistant Professor in Political Science on adhoc basis
142 |
Advertisement for the post of Assistant Prof. in Mathematics & Commerce
143 |
Advertisement for the post of Assistant Prof. in BBE on adhoc basis
144 |
Advertisement for the post of Assistant Prof. in BMS on adhoc basis
145 |
Walk-in Test for the post of MTS on contract basis (August 2019)
146 |
Postponement of Walk-in Test for the post of MTS on contract basis
147 |
Walk-in Test for the post of MTS on contract basis
148 |
Final Result Notice - Junior Assistant on contract basis
149 |
NOTICE: Skill Test for the post of Senior P.A. to Principal
150 |
Result Notice : Walk-in Test for the post of Junior Assistant held on 02.03.2019
151 |
Walk-in Test for Non-Teaching Posts on Contract basis
152 |
Advertisement for the post of Assistant Prof. in History on adhoc basis
153 |
Interview for the post of Assistant Prof. in Economics on adhoc basis
154 |
Advertisement for the post of Training and Placement Officer (TPO) on contract basis
155 |
Interview for the post of Assistant Prof. in Physical Education on adhoc basis
156 |
Interview for the post of Assistant Prof. in Hindi and English on adhoc basis
157 |
Interview for the post of Assistant Prof. in Psychology on adhoc basis.
158 |
Advertisement for the posts of Assistant Prof. on adhoc basis (Psychology and History)
159 |
Postponemenet Notice- Interview for the posts of Adhoc Assistant Prof. in Psychology
160 |
Advertisement for the posts of Assistant Prof. on adhoc basis.
161 |
Corrigendum- Extension of last date for teaching positions
162 |
Walk-in Test for Non-Teaching posts on contract basis
163 |
Corrigendum- Advertisement for the Teaching Positions
164 |
Advertisement for the Teaching Positions, (Last Date : 27.06.2017)
165 |
Advertisement for the Teaching Positions, (Last Date : 27.06.2017)
166 |
Advertisement for the Teaching Positions, (Last Date : 27.06.2017)
167 |
Advertisement for the Teaching Positions, (Last Date : 27.06.2017)