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S.No. Title Link
1 Provisional list of eligible & not eligible candidates for the post of Library attendant
2 Provisional list of eligible & not eligible candidates for the post of Junior Assistant
3 Screening Notice- Commerce
4 Screening Notice- Economics
5 Interview for Guest faculty in BMS
6 Interview for Guest faculty in Psychology
7 Interview for Guest faculty in Economics
8 Link & Corrigendum for apply non-teaching post
9 Corrigendum- Extension of last date for teaching positions
10 Advertisement for the non-teaching
11 Corrigendum-Advertisement for permanent teaching positions
12 Advertisement for permanent teaching positions
13 Interview Schedule for the Post of Principal
14 List of shortlisted candidates for the post of Principal
15 Notification - Screening Status for the post of Principal, Aryabhatta College
16 Advertisement for the post of Principal
17 Result of Sports Coach
18 Walk in interview for Sports Coach
19 Interview for Guest faculty in physical education
20 Notice regarding eligible candidates for Admistrative Officer
21 Interview for Guest faculty in Environmental Science
22 Promotion to the post of Administrative Officer
23 Interview for Guest faculty in Economics
24 Interview for the post of Guest Faculty in English
25 Result of Junior Assistant
26 Corrigendum Interview for the post of Guest Faculty in Political Science
27 Corrigendum Interview for the post of Guest Faculty in Management Studies
28 Corrigendum Interview for the post of Guest Faculty in History
29 Vacancy for IKS Shikshan Prashikshan Kendram
30 Interview for the post of Guest Faculty in Management Studies
31 Interview for the post of Guest Faculty in Political Science
32 Interview for the post of Guest Faculty in History
33 Interview for the post of Guest Faculty in Business Economics
34 Result of Library attendant
35 Result of Assistant Professor in History
36 Result of ICSSR project interview
37 Corrigendum - Skill test for the post of Junior Assistant
38 List for Skill test for the post of Junior Assistant
39 Interview Schedule for the Post of Assistant Professor in the Department of History
40 Walk in interview for Sports Coach
41 Result of Assistant Professor in Commerce
43 Interview Schedule for the Post of Assistant Professor in the Department of Commerce
44 Result of Assistant Professor in Business Economics
45 Result of Assistant Professor in Management Studies
46 Result of Department of Environmental Science
47 Result of SPA
48 Notice regarding Library Attendant Exam
49 Interview Schedule for the Post of Assistant Professor in the Department of Business Economics
50 Final list of Library Attendant
51 Interview Schedule for the Post of Assistant Professor in the Department of Management Studies
52 Scheme of Junior Assistant
53 Notice regarding junior assistant Exam
54 Final list of candidates for the post of Junior Assistant
55 Provisional list of eligible & not eligible candidates for the post of Library Attendant
56 Interview Schedule for the Post of Assistant Professor in the Department of Environmental Science
57 Interview Schedule for the Post of Assistant Professor in the Department of Commerce is postponed
58 Interview Schedule for the Post of Assistant Professor in the Department of Commerce
59 Result of Assistant Professor in Hindi
60 Physical test and Interview for the of Director Physical Education
61 Provisional list of eligible & not eligible candidates for the post of Junior Assistant
62 Physical test and Interview for the of Director Physical Education postponed
63 Physical test and Interview for the of Director Physical Education
64 Interview Schedule for the Post of Assistant Professor in the Department of Hindi
65 Result of Assistant Professor in Computer Science
66 Result of Assistant Professor in English
67 Interview Schedule for the Post of Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science
68 Result of Assistant Professor in Mathematics
69 Interview Schedule for the Post of Assistant Professor in the Department of English
70 Interview Schedule for the Post of Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics
71 Result of Assistant Professor in Psychology
72 Interview Schedule for the Post of Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology
73 Screening status- Hindi
74 Screening status- BMS
75 Screening status- English
76 Corrigendum Screening status- Computer Science
77 Screening status- History
78 Corrigendum Screening status- Commerce
79 Screening status-EVS
80 Screening status-BBE
81 Screening status- Mathematics
82 Advertisement for Guest faculty in Economics
83 Screening status-Commerce
84 Notice regarding Typing Test of SPA & Instructor OMSP
85 Final list for the post of director in physical education
86 Screening status - Computer Science
87 Screening status - Psychology
88 Screening list for the post of director in physical education
89 Corrigendum-Advertisement for permanent teaching positions
90 Vacancy for ICSSR project staff
91 Interview for Guest Faculty in Management Studies
92 Advertisement for permanent teaching positions
93 Corrigendum- Interview for Guest faculty in English
94 Interview for Guest Faculty in Commerce
95 Interview for Guest Faculty in English
96 Interview for Guest Faculty in History
97 Interview for Guest Faculty in Political Science
98 Final list for the post of Senior Personal Assistant
99 Final list for the post of Instructor (OMSP)
100 Interview for Guest Faculty in Hindi
101 Exam Schedule for Non Teaching Recruitment- Senior Personal Assistant
102 Screening list for the post of Senior Personal Assistant
103 Screening list for the post of Instructor (OMSP)
104 Vacancy for Research Assistant (Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav)
105 Vacancy for ICSSR project staff
106 Vacancy for project staff
107 Link for apply non-teaching post
108 Advertisement for the non-teaching
109 Result of LDE for the post of Semi Professional Assistant
110 LDE for the post of Semi Professional Assistant (List of eligible candidates and schedule of examination)
111 Advertisement for the post of Assistant Professor in English on adhoc basis
112 Limited Departmental Examination for promotion to the post of Semi Professional Assistant
114 Advertisement for the posts of Assistant Professor in Computer Science.
115 Vacancy for project staff for minor project (4 months )
116 Advertisement for the post of Assistant Professor in Mathematics on adhoc basis.
117 Interview for guest faculty in english.
118 Advertisement for the post of Assistant Professor in English on adhoc basis.
119 Advertisement for the posts of Assistant Prof. in Psychology.
120 Advertisement for the post of MTS on contract basis.
121 Advertisement for the post of Assistant Prof. in English on adhoc basis.
122 Result of LDE for the post of Assistant
123 LDE for the post of Assistant (List of eligible candidates)
124 Limited Departmental Examination for the post of Assistant
125 Important Notification Reg. Application for the post of Assistant Professor BBE
126 Promotion of Teachers under Career Advancement Scheme (CAS) – 2018
127 Important Notification regarding screening status for the posts of Assistant Professor in Computer Science, Hindi and Mathematics.
128 Important Notification Reg. Application for the post of Assistant Professor History
129 Important Notification Reg. Application for the post of Assistant Professors in Commerce, Environmental Studies and Management Studies
130 Important Notification Reg. Application for the post of Assistant Professor Psychology
131 Corrigendum for the Advertisement for the posts of Assistant Professor
132 Online link for the post of Assistant Professor-2019
133 Advertisement for the post of Assistant Professor-2019
134 General instruction for applicants
135 Qualifications for appointment of Assistant Professors
136 Guidelines for Screening & Shortlisting candidates
137 Frequently asked questions
138 List of Eligible candidates for appearing LDE to the post of Junior Assistant
139 Result of of Walk-in Test for the post of MTS on contract basis
140 Notice for LDE for the post of Junior Assistant
141 Advertisement for the post of Assistant Professor in Political Science on adhoc basis
142 Advertisement for the post of Assistant Prof. in Mathematics & Commerce
143 Advertisement for the post of Assistant Prof. in BBE on adhoc basis
144 Advertisement for the post of Assistant Prof. in BMS on adhoc basis
145 Walk-in Test for the post of MTS on contract basis (August 2019)
146 Postponement of Walk-in Test for the post of MTS on contract basis
147 Walk-in Test for the post of MTS on contract basis
148 Final Result Notice - Junior Assistant on contract basis
149 NOTICE: Skill Test for the post of Senior P.A. to Principal
150 Result Notice : Walk-in Test for the post of Junior Assistant held on 02.03.2019
151 Walk-in Test for Non-Teaching Posts on Contract basis
152 Advertisement for the post of Assistant Prof. in History on adhoc basis
153 Interview for the post of Assistant Prof. in Economics on adhoc basis
154 Advertisement for the post of Training and Placement Officer (TPO) on contract basis
155 Interview for the post of Assistant Prof. in Physical Education on adhoc basis
156 Interview for the post of Assistant Prof. in Hindi and English on adhoc basis
157 Interview for the post of Assistant Prof. in Psychology on adhoc basis.
158 Advertisement for the posts of Assistant Prof. on adhoc basis (Psychology and History)
159 Postponemenet Notice- Interview for the posts of Adhoc Assistant Prof. in Psychology
160 Advertisement for the posts of Assistant Prof. on adhoc basis.
161 Corrigendum- Extension of last date for teaching positions
162 Walk-in Test for Non-Teaching posts on contract basis
163 Corrigendum- Advertisement for the Teaching Positions
164 Advertisement for the Teaching Positions, (Last Date : 27.06.2017)
165 Advertisement for the Teaching Positions, (Last Date : 27.06.2017)
166 Advertisement for the Teaching Positions, (Last Date : 27.06.2017)
167 Advertisement for the Teaching Positions, (Last Date : 27.06.2017)

1. Result of various Non-Teaching Posts
2. Result for the post of Administrative Officer
3. Written test for the post of Administrative Officer - Scheme of Examination, Provisonal List of Eligible/ Not Eligible Candidates
4. Schedule of written test for the post of Administrative Officer
5. Notice- Change in timings of the exams scheduled to be held on 26.03.2017
6. RESULT and schedule of typing test for the post of Junior Assistant
7. Notice - Schedule of Written Test for the post of Administrative Officer
8. Notice- Typing Test for the post of Junior Assistant

REVISED NOTICE - Schedule of written exam - MTS-Library, MTS Comp. Lab Attendant, STA (Comp.), Section Officer

NOTE: The list of ELIGIBLE/ NOT ELIGIBLE candidates is available below. Candidates having any grievance regarding their eligibility may report one hour before on the day of exam with all certificates/ documents in support of their eligibility.

1. Walk-in-Interview on 21.03.2017 for the post of Nurse on contract basis.
3. Recruitment for the post of Administrative Officer : Advertisement , Application Form LAST DATE : 25.03.2017 upto 5 PM (Advt. published in The Pioneer Newspaper dated 10.03.2017)
4. Cancellation of exam held on 04.03.2017 and 05.03.2017
5. Link to Download Admit Card
6. IMPORTANT NOTICE-Non Teaching Recruitment
7. (Candidates who have applied offline may contact the college office one hour before on the day of exam for Admit Card)

Provisional List of ELIGIBLE/ NOT ELIGIBLE Candidates :-

MTS-Library Attendant, MTS-Computer Lab Attendant, STA (Computer), Section Officer, Senior Assistant, Junior Assistant, Professional Assistant, SPA (Library), Assistant, Library Assistant

REVISED Schedule of Non-Teaching Recruitment Examination

Scheme of Examination- MTS-Library Attendant, MTS-Computer Lab Attendant, STA (Computer), Section Officer ,Senior Assistant, Junior Assistant, Professional Assistant, Semi Professional Assistant, Library Assistant, Assistant

- Written Examination Notice for the post of STA (Computer) and Section Officer

- Interview for one post of Assistant Prof. in Political Science on Adhoc Basis. (Interview Date : 25.01.2017)

- Interview for one post of Assistant Prof. in Economics on Adhoc Basis. (Interview Date : 24.01.2017)

- Interview for one post of Assistant Prof. in History on Adhoc Basis. (Interview Date : 11.01.2017)

- Corrigendum in respect of Non Teaching Posts on Permanent basis (Last Date- 10.01.2017)

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